Continuum Performance Center

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Women in the Weight Room

I'm sure you've heard us talk about this topic a million times here at CPC. Weights and/or strength training is something ALL women need to be doing. End of story. The benefits include bone density/osteoporosis prevention, muscle definition (comes along a lot faster using weights as opposed to just hopping on an elliptical), relative strength, and much more. So why I am bothering writing about this topic once again?
Well, not everyone is comfortable lifting weights, especially in your typical commercial gym, so that's why. 

Here at CPC, most of you at this point have accepted working out on the dark side/south side/hot side, but what about the rest of you reading this that have no clue what a deadlift, back squat, push press or hang clean are? There are two things you can do if you don't know: either hire a trainer or starting out with something a little less complicated. Are those lifts the most efficient? Yes, but not everyone has a coach or would most likely hurt themselves trying something they have no business attempting. My recommendation: something less complicated.

Start out slow! Never done weighted squats? - try goblet squats. Never done deadlifts? - try dumbbell/kettle bell deadlifts. Bench? Doubt it - try push ups. Pull ups? Start with a mid row or a dumbbell row. Not to say that these are easy by any means, but much less complicated or "risky" to a beginner. Ask most coaches to just demo any of them and you should be good to go. 

Attempt all of those in that order, four sets of eight repetitions, sixty seconds rest and go from there. That'll get you started with some strength training and most likely jump start your routine. If you have any questions or would like something more difficult feel free to ask.

- CW 

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