Continuum Performance Center

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Why not hard work...

Obesity Crisis


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Would You Eat Meat Grown In A Test-tube?

With all the talk lately being about Non-GMO's and Organic foods, I found this latest food related topic to be a bit intriguing and wanted to see what some of you had to say.  Click the link below and watch the video, lets hear what you have to say.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Did you know? The truth about GMO...

Truth be told: avoid the GMO.

Recently, I've become aware that not everyone understands what a Genetically Modified Organism is or why it is receiving so much attention. The media does a very good job at making us believe that genetically modified foods are the solution to preventing famine for our future generations. They want us to think that these food-like substances are just as good as, if not better than, what nature produces. Genetically modifying a food is NOT the same as cross pollinating two tomato plants, making sure that we get the largest, most deep red color and delicious flavor. A GMO is a food produced in the laboratory - where gloves and facemasks are a necessity.

Right outside of our own front door, we've noticed a rather large weed growing up through the pavement, squeezing itself up through a crack in the parking lot. This weed has set itself up to become the perfect experiment to show everyone just what "GMO" means. For our experiment we decided to apply one "treatment" with RoundUp, the average weed-killer. Throughout the frames below you can easily see how quickly this plant completely dies off and turns to dust.
So what does this have to do with GMO's?

The manufactures of RoundUp also manufacture a GMO that they call a soybean - which happens to be resistant to RoundUp. This means that farmers can spray their entire soy field with RoundUP to kill the weeds but the soybeans continue to stand tall, unaffected.

Better yet, our RoundUp Resistant GMO soybeans have "friends" such as corn, canola, cotton, sugar beets and alfalfa. These RR crops are almost impossible to regulate because after an extended period of time, the weeds and insects become so genetically altered themselves that they are no longer affected by this particular RoundUp concoction. Instead, we are left with the creation of superweeds and super-insects, and the GMO seed must be changed.

So, the question exists - if people in laboratories are wearing gloves and masks to create RR crops that don't die off when this potent chemical is applied, then why in the world do we think that our bodies can ingest and digest these food like substances without consequence?


The CPC rule of thumb is: if it's made from a plant -eat it. If it's made in a plant - you can't!
One thing's for sure, CPC does not want to be part of this experiment. Knowledge is Power, ensure you are buying NON-GMO foods in order to keep yourself safe.

David Suzuki speaks out against genetically modified food

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I have to tell you all about a very traumatic experience in my life. I'll spare you some of the who's, what's, where's, when's, but you'll be asking yourself the same question I till this day keep asking myself…WHY? 
What I witnessed in all its horrifying glory was a man eat a can of tiny, processed beyond all comprehension, tightly packed, Vienna Sausages…with a pencil! Yes! As if voluntarily ingesting these little slimy tubed meat things packed in some sort of "juice" wasn't bad enough, he slowly and methodically, with the precision of a skilled surgeon inserted his pencil (freshly pealed from behind his ear mind you) into the heart of the middle "meat" tube. Then, with a steady hand and a hungry heart he gave a little wriggle a little twist and a pull on the pencil and successfully dislodged the first tasty morsel and quickly and eagerly consumed it. The rest stood no match and were quickly gobbled up after being shot by some creepy makeshift cupid arrow. 
Now, two things…one, if you have any respect for yourself or your body I beg you to please never eat such a product. Who knows what is in it, what's its made of, where it came from etc. I have some ideas though, nothing good for you, all the parts of the pig that didn't "make the grade" (genitals included), some factory/processing plant in who knows where that probably hasn't passed a health inspection since CW's worn shorts. Two, if you find yourself using a nice Ticonderoga No. 2 as your lunch utensil of choice, I hope they find you and you get off the island soon or you have some serious sanitary issues that need to be addressed pronto. 
Seriously, don't eat that crap, look at the picture, they look like a fresh round pulled from Dirty Harry's .57 magnum. Little processed bullets you'll take right to the heart. Don't be like this guy, make some better food choices, and maybe more importantly better life choices. I'm done.