Continuum Performance Center

Monday, August 18, 2014

Kona or Bust - Week 8: Very Superstitious

After posting a few pictures of my new HOT PINK Asics sneaks on Facebook the number likes and comments were comical. Everyone who knows me knows I HATE PINK! Can’t stand it. You’ll NEVER see me wearing it. If I own anything that has pink in it, it has the smallest of pinstripes or accents colors. I will never wear pink on pink on pink…that is unless I’m racing. Just as I put on my game face race morning, I squeeze into my PINK & black Cyclonaut tri-shorts and top.

One word: Superstition

Come on…you know you have them too! 

I have many but one that stuck with me a long time started in high school.  I was a junior and my little brother, Brendan, gave me a hand puppet of Rex from Toy Story he got in his Happy Meal. A generous gift for a 3 year old. Upon giving it to me he gave me very strict instructions, click his heels 3 times and kiss him on the nose. “For good luck!” he told me. Rex followed me through the rest of my high school career and on to my last collegiate field hockey game. Could I have gone on without clicking Rex’s heels 3 times and giving him a kiss? Sure, but why would I want to risk it.

So why pink, since I profess to hate it so much? 

Here's the story. The club wanted to do something different for the ladies. Yellow and black is great but maybe not as flattering or "pretty". I'm guessing. I really don't know. Clearly, I had no problem with the yellow and black. The first time night the pink kit  debuted handful of years ago, I’m pretty sure I snarled under my breath and said, "I HATE pink". Meanwhile, EVERYONE else (guys too!) ooohed and aaahed. The realization hit quickly that I would be the only woman not racing in pink. In an attempt to be a team player I let the color combo settle in and learned to like it. Like it enough to buy a RACE DAY ONLY kit.

Of course I still have him!
Since racing in pink I’ve had some pretty amazing results. I earned my Kona spot in pink. As superstition goes, the more pink the better. That pains me to write, but I have to admit the sneakers are pretty sweet and some of you out there tell me they look fast! I’m hoping the pink beauties can propel me to the line regardless of how fast I get there. If the pink kit and pink sneakers don’t work, maybe the 3 heel clicks and a kiss on the nose will!


ps - The one other day you'll see me in pink… when the laundry hasn't been done and it's all I have left! :)

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