Continuum Performance Center

Monday, December 14, 2015

It's Resolution Time

Resolution time. Yes, resolution time. It needs to be talked about NOW because truly making a shift in behavior requires weeks of preparation, communication, and execution. What is your resolution? What do you want to do differently? You can add a task to your list, or you can give something up. These behaviors can seem small, but I promise you, EVERY SINGLE ONE is an enormous undertaking. We're all busy, and nothing is ever solely about US. With that in mind, you need to communicate your intentions properly with everyone around you to ensure the right support and to avoid derailment.

Easy example: I would like to exercise 3 days a week. Ok, when? What time of day? Is your spouse willing to help with the kids on those days? What about days with no school? Or snow days? What's the backup plan? What about travel? If you go somewhere will you workout two days in a row before you leave? Or pack clothes for when you're there? Does everyone at work know you are unable to be at a meeting any earlier than 8:30 am? All of these things are NOT selfish to request! It's personal wellness and last I checked taking care of yourself takes a HELL of a lot less time and money than having someone take care of you once you're sick.

Another example: Putting money aside or increasing savings. This is not embarrassing! You can say no to going out for drinks, dinner, the Nordstrom sale or a charitable donation. Fuck the person who judges that decision or what you do with your hard earned money! If you have a desire to put away xx/month and choose a few things you will allow yourself to do for fun - then great. No one else has the right to question that. Communicate to your family, friends and kids. Anyone who falls outside that circle and gives you crap for your decision, well, that's a whole other topic.

The long and short of this: A failure to plan is a plan to fail. If you truly have intentions of changing behavior, yourself or what you contribute back it needs to be well thought out, realistic, measurable, attainable and carry a timeline. Anything else is not smart. The other huge takeaway - communicate your intentions to those you choose to keep in your life. They'll support you! As Dr. Suess says, "Those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter."

Happy Holidays

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Think about it.

I'm guilty of it, and I know everyone else out there is too to some extent.  I thought this was very thought provoking and doesn't just apply to "jumping out of a plane", it applies to many different aspects of our lives.  As I read it and thought about it I was reminded of a few things.

How many times do we judge people without knowing their story (the whole story)?  

Don't judge a book by it's cover.  Kind of an old and played out saying...but still fits and is applicable.

How many times do we think we know everything or are subject matter expert on certain topic but really know shit?

How many times do we blow small things way out of proportion?

How often do we miss out on a great experience because we jump to conclusions, or on the other side, how often do we get ourselves into some shit for the same reason?

The point is we all do it, it's part of who we are but hopefully we can work on it a little bit.  This hit home for me and really got me thinking about things in a different light and how I approach things or will approach things in the future.  Hopefully you'll be able to take something away from it.