Continuum Performance Center

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Kona or Bust Week 14 - Dude, What's in Your Car?

Kona or Bust Week 14 – Dude, What’s in Your Car?

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a triathlete’s car looks like? You probably haven’t, but today you’re going to find out. I spend a lot of time driving to and from workouts, to and from work, to and from home mid-day to let the dog out for a pee break and a quick walk. Inevitably my car begins to overflow with a little bit of everything. Now, that my current professional situation has change (for the better!) and I no longer have the luxury of a treadmill, spin bike, weight room, and pool all under the same roof as of my office I’ve begun to carry extra of everything just in case. There really is nothing worse than planning a workout and realizing you don’t have an essential piece of equipment or clothing.

Below you will find a detailed list of all the crap that my car holds on a daily basis. I’ve also provided you with a few pictures of said crap. Have a good laugh and please, feel free to offer up free detailing services! 

CRV contents
2 golf umbrellas
2 field hockey sticks
Aerial View - that's a lot of stuff!
1 recruiting tripod chair
1 dry erase board

2 towels
1 cool morning outfit for BIA boot camp
2 bags
1 Big Y shopping bag
2 lengths of climbing rope (I have no idea why I have these)

1 dog leash
2 tennis balls
1 dog proof container of dog food (just in case…he’s hungry ALL THE TIME)
1 collapsible water dish
1 reflective dog vest - not to be confused with a slow moving vehicle sign

Pepper claiming the rarely empty back of the car. 
1 pull bouy
1 bathing suit
1 pair of socks
2 pairs of sneakers
1 pair of sandals
2 pairs of cycling shoes
2 helmets
2 sets of sunglasses - sunny & low light conditions
1 large box of strawberry banana GU

1 small basket full of, tubes, inhaler, nuun tablets, sunscreen, headlamp
1 medium utility tote from Thirty-One full of cold weather biking and training gear and ...2 more pairs of sneakers I forgot I had.

1 random coat hood (again, I have no idea)
1 bike pump
1 tervis cup
1 water bottle
1 plastic fork and spoon
1 cyclonaut visor
1 camo Sox hat

1 Pepper – He claims the back seat all to himself!
1 dog hair rolly thing and a million dog hairs

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