Continuum Performance Center

Friday, October 2, 2015

Full Disclosure

Once again I am giving everyone the heads up on what next Friday is going to look like. I don't have the exact format down right now but I can guarantee that you will be using a barbell. No need to be afraid of the barbell, they are a great piece of equipment. As always I wouldn't have you do something I didn't know you could do or didn't feel comfortable with you doing, certain skills we stay away from because some people to us the words of Tim Murphy "haven't earned your badge". So if you haven't "earned your badge" on a specific movement with a coach in the past, I won't ask you do do it until you have. Modifications are always acceptable, it's my job to kick your ass but also keep it safe in the process. 

For those that were in class last week you probably remember that I made mention of Crossfit, and once again, we ARE NOT Crossfit, nor are we trying to be Crossfit. I did also say that there are some good things that Crossfit is doing. One thing that I like is the measurability, standardization, and scalability of a lot of what they do. It sets standards for everyone to be accountable to and progress towards. 

In a very organic unintentional way I have morphed Friday morning into a more challenging and more dynamic class, bringing different more creative versions to some common workout scemes. I can say with confidence that there has not been a repeated workout on Friday morning for at least the last 5 months or more. With that being said, yes you will see the barbell from time to time, you will see the rower, you will see new and different movements, you will see new takes on some of the standards, and you'll continue to see the kettle bell. You know how we roll in terms of programming, you're not going to get bored. 

For those of you who have been staples on Friday morning, keep it up, you've been doing great and enduring some of my crazy brainstorms. For those that haven't, don't be scared, pull the bandaid and give it a shoot. Yes, it's hard, but it's fun! 

See you next week!


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