Continuum Performance Center

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Goals and reality

Spring semester is in full swing and my New Years vow of putting pencil to paper and planning out my daily tasks is already being tested. It's time to fight back those lethargic thoughts and take more control of my daily life. It's important to start this rebuilding process with a strong foundation and thanks to SK, I learned about the Passion Planner.

The founder of Passion Planner, Angelia Trinidad started the company after she felt lost about where to direct her passions after college. So Angelia created a tool that helped people clearly define their personal goals and dreams and put them at the forefront of their attention. My passion planner has become a powerful tool for my week to week organization and goals, but my favorite part about it is the positive quotes that start each new week. Use this week's quote as a source of inspiration to take more control of your time and perform efficiently.
“Live in the now.
Too often do we worry about the future or regret something that we have done in the past. This week focus your time and energy on things you can control in the present moment.”

Routine is a very good thing to make our days efficient. Repetition of tasks allow us to perform them faster but when we develop bad habits and those bad habits start to become the routine, it's very hard to fix. Since the semester has started my days consist of a very repetitive cycle; class, practice, homework, sleep and repeat. After the daily pattern has been practiced for a few weeks the process of events becomes easy to complete. This is the point I need to look back at each week and understand the times I could have capitalized on changing my mindset and pushed myself more physically or mentally. Do not put yourself in a position to look back and wished you had done something. By pushing yourself to explore daily boundaries you can help to discover a happier journey to your future. We are not in control of the past or our future, only the time we are given in that moment. It cannot be argued our past affects the future but we need to stop living for the unknown. Crush the now.

My last semester at UMass also means my last lacrosse season. With games quickly approaching, team and individual meetings have been in full swing as well. These meetings specifically force us to ask ourselves what kind of team we are and the character we each possess. When faced with these questions it forces you to search for an answer and when I start to search I remember my New Years vow; crush the now. I can confidently answer that when personal or team problems arise I will have patience to do exactly that. Complacency is a dangerous mindset. It is just as contagious as excuses and an easier route than hard work. If someone becomes okay with where they are at, nothing will change. They will not improve nor will their abilities be challenged. It doesn’t matter how high up on the chain you are. If your job on a team is to be the best bench warmer the division has seen, you better be the loudest teammate on that sideline. I know this season, my focus will be to push my teammates and myself in every aspect that is presented each day. No matter what the circumstances, a role is a role so you might as well capitalize it day by day. Never be okay with settling or wishing you had worked harder in practice, for studying on a test, or given a better presentation at work, make it happen. Focus on the now and what is in your control.

Around this time many New year's resolutions start to take the back burner (luckily for those of us who actually workout year round, the gym here is already 70% less crowded than the beginning of January). The Passion Planner quote is a good reminder to keep up with your own New Year's resolution that you set for yourself. Do not think back to last years failures, do not get comfortable with where you are now, do not be okay with pushing your goals aside. It isn’t just a promise for January or an excuse for “I’ll do better next year.” Whatever goal you set for yourself, it is important to maintain and crush it. Bring the enthusiasm to your specific goal for the entire year. Knowing myself and occasionally having been one of those people to get caught up in routine, I decided to tailor my resolution for living in the now. Instead of coming up with some lame idea I knew I would end up pushing aside, I adjusted mine more directly to a monthly resolution. At the beginning of each month I will look at what is going on in my life and decide what needs the most work, time, or change. I will write it down in my planner so I do not lose sight of my goal. The focus will be a shorter time span so that I can upkeep my ambition towards it. I encourage you to crush whatever it is you are facing this year. As the quote said before, “focus your time and energy on things you can control in this moment.” It will leave you much more optimistic and self fulfilled than letting yourself down time and again. Today is as good as any to go out and get it.

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