2015 has been a very exciting year. I have finished my didactic criteria towards earning my Doctorate in physical therapy. I am very fortunate to be in a position to achieve this degree and it is something I have worked very hard towards achieving. My path didn’t always involve getting my doctorate, and if you talked to 18-year-old Tim, who knew it all, I wouldn’t have gone about it the same way. Regardless, I am in a position I am very happy with, and that is possible because I always took the time to reflect on small life events and large life events. The end of the year is typically a time for reflection so let’s take a look at things that may require reflection.
How did you do? Yikes! That may be the definition of vague – but it is vague on purpose. This statement can apply to a lot of different scenarios. How did you do in that plank? Did you use the right muscles? What about that squat you performed on Monday – how did you do? How did you do as a family member? How did you do in taking responsibility for that mistake you made? Knowledge is power – if you know how you are supposed to move – make an assessment. How did you do?
Did you meet your goals? Goals can be established to address anything! Did you meet your goal of completing one muscle up? Did you hit a new PR for a lift or a run? Did you get something done professionally that you have been striving for? Setting goals are important because they keep you on track and remind you what is important to you.
Are you consistently doing something that helps you strive towards your goal? This item is extremely important because we often fall off track in regards to our goals. Very frequently life takes over and things we want to accomplish get put on the back burner and eventually forgotten. This is understandable and completely okay – but if you want to minimize the detriment experienced during those times and make strides towards your goal, do something. That something can be small but keep you on track and keep you thinking about it.
Are you working on your weaknesses? This item can also apply to fitness and life. If you are strong and consistently work on your strength but never your mobility you increase the risk that you may get injured. Also, if you want to be well rounded physically but only work on your strength but never your cardiovascular endurance are you striving towards your goals? Are you exercising/eating/resting properly? All of those components are so important to keep your body healthy.
Are you happy? Whoa – loaded question. I urge all of you never to put this item on the back burner. Are you happy with all of the reflections completed above? Are you happy with what you have achieved professionally? Physically? Are you working on elements that you currently aren’t as strong. People who focus on the mind – body – spirit triad that Springfield College has adopted and preaches tend to have great success in living a well-rounded life when done properly. Relaxation is a buzz word that jumps into my head. It is very easy to plug in and get what you need to done but can you rest and relax just as well?
If any of these reflections yielded responses you weren't pleased with – IT’S OKAY! THAT’S LIFE. The important thing is what are YOU going to do to change that? I was not always on the road that I am now. I had to perform a lot of personal reflections and always alter my road and my path. It wasn’t always easy – but it was always necessary. Now I can honestly say each day I’m a little happier than the last and I’m going to be a DOCTOR! I’m accomplishing something I never dreamed possible. Ask yourself those tough questions this holiday season and let’s get after it in 2016. Everyone can achieve their goals if they put effort into it and grind. The best thing? We are all here to help you grind when you need a boost – that’s why we have this community. Everyone deserves to be the “doctor” of their life – and achieve what they want. Let’s get it and crush 2016!
-- TM
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