I found myself having yet another conversation this morning about exercise. My friend and I were talking about measuring success when it comes to exercise execution. And how often, no matter how well you're cueing, it just doesn't "hit" someone how you want it to. As an example, a squat.
Foundationally speaking the squat is a necessity for us as human beings and we need to do them every day. But so commonly it is done wrong, improperly, or with poor mechanics. However, you want to phrase it - it's just not THERE. For me, I love this scenario as a coach. I love the process of teaching and breaking apart a movement to get someone to move better and "feel" the components (muscles) they are supposed to be using. Not just the quads but the hamstrings, the glutes, the firing of the core musculature and the difficulty of holding the T-spine in proper alignment while relaxing the lats - what the ****?! Yes - a squat is not simply measured by whether or not your hip crease is making it below the level of your knee.
So, what is it you're doing when you go to class or your session? Is it an escape or is it your opportunity to get keep inside your body and connect with yourself on a whole new level? Honestly, listening to your coaches cues and what they want you to feel when going through the class/movement/posture is everything. It is the difference between participating and experiencing your exercise program. If you're not getting better, faster, stronger or building a better you - you either have a shitty coach, or you are just straight up not listening to your body.
So let's bring it back to the title: Can you pitch? I want you to think of ALL of your foundational movements this way. Your Squat, Push, Pull, Hinge, Rotation, Lunge and Plank. If you know what each of those seven movements are then, I am going to assume you exercise, and you can "throw a ball." Would you feel confident in your skill set to handle throwing out the first pitch at a game? Do you feel your execution is on that next level? If you think you can throw it fairly accurately and can move with intention - can you bring it to the next level? Can you pitch? Have you mastered the movement pattern enough to do it like a pro? I'm not asking if you can throw 95+ or a lights-out curve. I want you to ask yourself honestly when you exercise, are you focusing on all of the things that make that singular pitch (rep) a thing of beauty? Are you ready and anticipating which are the right muscles to relax and then at the perfect moment start the next rep all over again? Are you doing it flawlessly?
So I task everyone with this thought: Let's get more out of your next session/your next class.
Start throwing some pitches.
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