A topic that bothers me personally and professionally and, unfortunately, comes up all the time, is when people ask me my opinion about another fitness professional OR establishment. They ask in an attempt to draw me into a scenario where I will say something negative about the business or scathing about the coach/trainer/instructor. The truth of it all is that I don't believe in any of that. Truly. Any person that has a personal, or professional, relationship with me knows that I never have, nor will I ever, speak ill about another individual or business to make myself or CPC look better. No professional should have too! Having the confidence in your skill set, the trust in your strategic mission, and the passion to go after it is all you need. I am fortunate to work with a team of professionals that I respect immensely and learn from constantly. Not a single one of us says something negative about the other nor do we discourage someone from working with another member of the team. It's not that we are incapable of handling that client, it's that you may match up better with their skill set or personality in its what is in the best interest of the consumer! This is what makes CPC great. We are all at ease every day and encouraged to be better.
I thought about how silly this line of questioning can be. It happens within all industries, but unfortunately people make the fitness competition personal.
Professional parallels - Service
Think about it this way. How many different salons are immediately around you? Honestly, there are too many locations around us to keep track of them all. When you stack them up, none of them are bad - just different. Prices vary of each based on the overhead costs, the number of staff, products they offer, the number of chairs (employees or rentals) and what services they offer. All of this will directly play into your experience. And ultimately you are going to go to the place that makes YOU feel good, comfortable and fits the experience you want. And you can't underestimate the relationship with your stylist/masseuse/esthetician that you have established a report with. There are so many parallels between this field and ours. First, the service. It's not just a service but an experience. And it's not just an experience it's your body. So when weighing your decision know that I'm sure that every hair die company, shampoo manufacturer and hair sheers company has their training in which they encourage professionals to attend. I am an advocate of constantly seeking out continued professional development, but I also look at it as children's sports and participation medals. "Hey, good for you. You went and continued your education in your field securing yourself as a professional. Do me a favor. Update your resume, bio on your website and move on with your day. No, it doesn't make you instantly better than the next person." How are you going to take that knowledge, apply it to your daily routine, coach it effectively and make an impact? Now you're qualified.
Professional parallels - Product
There are five places in a five-mile radius of CPC that "specialize" in burgers - Max Burger, Plan B, Lux, Five Guys and Red Robin. Not to mention other places that make and serve some quality burgers (plug to my boys at CSG in which every burger is a blend of top quality meats. Boom!). So again, five BURGER places within five miles. Not restaurants just burger places. All of which are providing food, providing jobs and doing what they set out to do. We all have our favorites for different reasons. I don't feel one is better than the other just a completely different burger, experience, and varied price. Be an educated consumer and make your pick accordingly.
Professional parallels - Fitness
Let's talk about it directly. It's out there and being discussed so here's my take. I believe that CPC is a superior coaching facility. I believe in what we do. We apply it daily and bring to our subscribers, athletes, and community. I do not believe for a second it is the ONLY quality facility in the area. We all have ways of being superior. I don't need everyone to come to CPC, and quite frankly we wouldn't have the capacity to remain great and provide quality programming if they did. We have a structured way in which we establish our class schedule, rotate content, and intake new one-on-one clients. Our progressions and style are different than other facilities, but it works for US and OUR target consumer. I KNOW we are not the least expensive, but I never set out to be, tried to be, claimed to be or adjusted our mission to be. I am very comfortable with that fact. I also know the business end of it and what we do to re-invest in facility upgrades, new equipment purchases, continuing education reimbursement, and insurance. There is a tremendous amount of pride that goes into what we do, and we are all career oriented professionals that call this facility our full-time home and our full-time career. I know what CPC is about.
I do NOT for a single second have a problem with competition and, in fact, I know it has made me a stronger operator, manager, coach and entrepreneur over the years. I respect the classes or group instruction provided by Donna Chalfant and her team at DC Fitness | Thrive. She has been a rock star in the fitness world and a part of this community for decades! We do not deliver our programming in the same manner, but that doesn't mean I think she or her team is wrong. Just a different experience.
Mike Zolkiewicz and his team at PowerClean Fitness - no issues at all! Mike knows his stuff and is a VERY knowledgeable coach. PCF has been very successful in helping individuals transform their bodies and wellness over the years. PCF and CPC run different operating models, and there is some obvious crossover. We both want to wake up and help people get better, safely, every day. I'm right, and he's right. How do I know this? We both have successful, loyal clients the enjoy the way we do things and businesses making an impact in the community that have been overlapping for 3+ years. That's how.

Blue Diamond - oh Crossfit. Do me a favor and stop assuming I have a problem with Crossfit or the staff of professionals over there -- I don't! Can Crossfit be dangerous? Of course it can be but so is riding a bike, eating undercooked meat, driving without a seat belt and drinking to excess. Doing any of them once, twice or many times does not guarantee you are going to get hurt - but it's possible. News Flash - You can get hurt anywhere you exercise. These guys at CFBD have done their training and are certified professionals that will get you into Crossfit safely and effectively. No, I am not telling you to go. Can the coaches at CPC teach you those movement patterns? Yes. Do some of our subscribers enjoy a met-con or two during the week? Yes. Do we ever try to be Crossfit? No, but not because I think it is wrong or unsafe! When an individual comes in looking for a Crossfit facility or Crossfit style workout, I don't stand there like an intimidated assclown and try to convince them that's not what they are looking for and they should train with us. Instead, I immediately enlighten them on where they can find CFBD or Crossfit Ironwill in Ludlow.
When someone walks through the front door of CPC or calls, I go into my "speech." I confidently explain to them what we are all about and if anything they have heard interests them? If they'd be willing to try a class or a one-on-one? If they start to explain that what they are looking for is something different, I'll send them to a competitor. I send them to the one I feel matches up with what they said they were looking for and hope they let the other facility know I did so. How can I send them to the correct facility? I know enough about them to make this informed decision. Not because I am trying to be them or undercut them because it's called market research. It's in every industry, and if you're not doing it, then you're dead in the water. It's not me creating battles rather it's CPC remaining proficient as industry professionals making a living doing what we love to do. Do we have direct competitors? Of course, we do, but we don't have enemies! So yes. I know what DCF, PCF, BDCF and everyone else are up too. I'm doing my job. Please stop thinking that it's personal and stop phrasing the question or comments in any other assumed probing manner.
CPC is not nor have we every tried to be everything to everyone. I ask you kindly to stop assuming that is our intention. Don't put words in my mouth and don't ever assume you know what I'm thinking. There's a great deal of time and energy spent on our strategic mission and focus. Want to keep up? I play chess ...