Continuum Performance Center

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Know Your "Why"

“Why are you here?” That is the question I ask in all of my initial consultations. Most common answers include: “To lose weight”,  “To get stronger”, or “To get in better overall shape.” These are all valid answers, but what I hope every client is thinking about is why do you want those things? Why are they so important to you? Why now? Why here? I don’t expect you to share these things, but it is important for you to know.
We have some subscribers who train every day and their hobby has now become a lifestyle. All lifestyle changes are accompanied with peaks and valleys. It isn’t easy to wake up an extra two hours early every morning to bust ass through a met con or exercise mental acuity to perform a proper front squat on a strength day. Knowing why you push yourself so hard week after week is essential to getting yourself through those valleys. It also makes enjoying those peaks that much sweeter.
Isn’t it odd to think that you are supposed to enjoy a hobby? I’ll be the first to say that when I am dying on the floor after a Saturday morning Boot Camp my first reaction is to tell my boss that he is an exercise bully, but deep down I LOVE every second! I have been through multiple knee surgeries and I know how it feels to be laid up without the ability to move. After my last surgery I took charge of my health and my body and I am reaping the benefits – even on days where I DO NOT WANT TO LIFT I go in there.  I enjoy it and get it done and focus on why I am there. I do my best to leave my negativity at the door, remember where I came from, and get a good workout in.
I ask again, why are you here. What do you really want / need out of your program? Use that internal drive to motivate you, to push yourself, and to hold yourself accountable. As much as I wish I could tell you the opposite, THE WORLD DOESN’T STOP TURNING BECAUSE YOUR DAY DIDN’T GO AS PLANNED. Know your why, take control of your life, and keep KICKING ASS!!

- TM

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