Continuum Performance Center

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What shoe are you?

My quick little blog post today is spurred by a question I got from a subscriber yesterday. I was asked about my opinion on minimalist shoes and making the switch from a traditional running shoe.  I thought this question may be one that a lot of you have so I will address it.  

A couple of things to think about:

The structure of your feet could play a factor in whether or not you should try a minimal shoe.  If you have flat feet, I wouldn't necessarily recommend you make the switch.  Our feet were made to absorb shock, especially while running. If your feet are without arches, then it's going to put increased stress on the foot, as well as knees and hips.  

If you are going to make the switch, make sure it is a gradual one.  Do not take your new Vibrams out of the box and go run a marathon; you will hurt yourself.  Your body adapts to new things, shoes included.  If you have never run in minimals, you need to wean yourself into it. Slowly let your body get used to the differences and adapt.  I think one of the biggest issues with minimal shoes, and the reason why they get a bad rap, is that people think they can just switch from one type of shoe to another. When they do, they realize they are sore or in pain and immediately blame the shoes.  It's not the shoes fault. The brain controlling the foot in the shoe is to blame.  Ease into it a couple miles at a time.  

Bottom line, we were built to run and to run with nothing on our feet.  Am I a proponent for either shoe type? No. I've used and liked both types. It's a personal preference if you ask me.  Below is a quick video that speaks to these points.  

Happy running!


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