Pelvic Powerhouse
The term, dubbed by Jason Glass of the Titleist Performance Institute, refers to your hips and their essential role in generating power in your golf swing. This is why an effortless looking swing from a professional golfer can produce club head speeds up to 120+ mph, while the average golfer’s speed is less than 90 mph. The key to turning your hips into a pelvic powerhouse is loading and exploding.
Most golfers do not load properly onto their trail side when they take the club back. The action of loading is similar to winding a spring or stretching a rubber band; it gets the golfer ready to explode into impact. It’s the whole reason why we take the club back in the first place and don't just start at the top of the swing. Once you are able to create a proper load through your hips you then need to start your downswing uncoiling that load and exploding to the golf ball. If this is done correctly, your hips will fire through first, followed by your torso, arms, and finally the golf club to create the highest club head speed as possible. If you do not uncoil your hips first, you will have an upper body dominant down swing that will be very poorly timed and often results in miss hits.
The best way to work on this is by practicing dry swings at home or the range with and without a golf club. Practice loading, or transferring your weight onto your trail side (right side for a right handed golfer), by rotating your hips as you take the club back. Once you get to the top act as you have a super band attached to your right side that wants to pull your hips down and though your swing. Your hips need to initiate your downswing.
If you have any trouble with any of these exercises, or if you would like to know more ways to build your pelvic powerhouse feel free to ask me at any time.
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